Friday, August 17, 2018

New United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Light Bulbs - Are You Prepared?

The United Nations is formally introducing new Guidelines for conventional consumer light bulbs in developing and emerging countries.

According to LightED Magazine, “The Model Regulation Guidelines can help countries meet their environmental goals, improve public health, and save money,” said Mark Radka, Chief, Energy and Climate Branch of UN Environment. “They’re a great example of what partnerships between the private sector and environmental groups can achieve.”

 Harry Verhaar, who is the Head of Global Public & Government Affairs at Signify, says that the timing has never been better for these Guidelines, telling LightED Magazine: “The global market for incandescent light bulbs has reduced by 80 per cent from 12 to 2 billion units over the past ten years. Implementing these Guidelines is crucial for developing and emerging economies, where incandescent light bulbs are still widely available.”

Visit our website to learn more!

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