Monday, May 1, 2023

Emergency Lighting in Your Building

Have you noticed that there aren’t enough emergency and exit lights in your building?

Do you have enough lights, but they don’t work properly?

Emergency lighting is required to illuminate areas of your building when things go wrong, for example:

  • When the normal electrical supply is interrupted by a utility outage
  • If there is a fire or electrical failure within the building
  • To light pathways and exits that lead out of the building in case of an evacuation

Your employees are the source of your company’s well-being and productivity. Additionally, as a business owner, your employees’ safety should be of the utmost importance to you!

You want your emergency and exit lights to be the best they can be. There are several ways you can give your emergency and exit lights a boost to make them the most efficient.

Find out more on our website!

RP Lighting + Fans Has the Emergency/Exit Lighting You Need for Your Business

Not sure where to start or overwhelmed by the options available? Talk to one of our experts! Get specific exits signs and emergency units for both indoor and outdoor applications, remote heads (for specific models), specialty die cast, and more for your building.

We have sales reps across the country to help you get the perfect solution for your application. Contact us today to find out more!

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